a minha obrigação é também a vossa
num futuro louco de brincadeiras
Preparem-se para uma nova era emotiva
todas as nossas acções e reacções internas
e externas passarão a reger-se pela sensação
Um novo hino cantaremos a favor
da libertação das nossas crianças
as descobertas inter e intra pessoais
serão ingénuas, criativas e prazerosas
Numa primeira fase observem-se e
observem criticamente o vosso quotidiano
podereis iniciar uma necessidade
de extravasar as opressões e de se deslumbrarem
com os jogos da infância
Numa segunda e última fase sois
responsáveis pela manutenção da vossa
felicidade que é também a dos outros.
? (20)
- Mas tu tens uma fotografia!
E o Admirador replica:
- É melhor ter o Admirado.
Um silêncio...
To The Coffee House
“When you are worried, have trouble of one sort or another -to the coffee house!
When she did not keep her appointment, for one reason or another - to the coffee house!
When your shoes are torn and dilapidated - coffee house!
When your income is four hundred crowns and you spend five hundred - coffee house!
You are a chair warmer in the office, while your ambition led you to to seek professional honors - coffee house!
You could not not find a mate to suit you- coffee house!
You feel like committing suicide - coffee house!
You hate and despise human beings, and at the same time you cannot be happy without them - coffee house!
You compose a poem which you can not inflict upon friends that you meet in the street - coffee house!
When your coal scuttle is empty, and your gas ration exhausted - coffee house!
When you are locked out and haven't the money to pay for unlocking the house door - coffee house!
When you acquire a new flame, and intend provoking the old one, you take the new one to the old one's - coffee house!
When you feel like hiding, you dive into a - coffee house!
When you want to be seen in a new suit - coffee house!
When you can not get anything on trust anywhere else - coffee house!”
(Peter Altenberg)